This page will attempt to show what I had to do to get DOSEMU and LORD working together.

The first step is to get DOSEMU working.
I used the current stable binary release of DOSEMU (this happened to be 1.0.2) and the freedos files avaliable on their site.

After DOSEMU ran without problems I loaded the copy of LORD that was already on my drive from years past (version 3.55). I tried and failed to get version 4.06 working in DOSEMU. Versions 4.00a and 4.02a both work beautifully. Castle Camelot has a list of other versions.

LORD ran fine in local mode. I wanted LORD to run as if it were on a multi-node BBS. To do this I needed something that would create the DOOR.SYS file that LORD wants. I did not want to make the directory that LORD resides in globally writeable so I added a new group.

In the end I have a series of scripts that have worked well so far. I do not have anything that adds new users or allows random people to play. To play LORD on the system that I put LORD on you must already have access as well as belong to the group 'bbs.' Adding that functionality should not be hard but I have no intentions of doing it.

Root access is only required if you wish to add a new group or put the aliases needed to play in the system profile.

Update: I found that the jennie codes are broken in 4.02a and have switched back to 4.00a. I did fix the spelling mistake in IGMSEC.INI but other than that its stock 4.00a.


autoexec.bat - Either runs LORD and exits DOSEMU -OR- runs LORDCFG depending on how it was called

lord.sh (lord.sh.txt) - Creates some aliases and displays the old news, score and current news for LORD. I have this in /etc/profile.d/
lord - Switches to the bbs group, creates a temporary directory, runs the createdrop script, runs DOSEMU and usually cleans up after itself.
createdrop - This creates DOOR.SYS for LORD. It keeps stats. The stats file needs to be writeable by the world or at least by the bbs group.
lordhelp - Displays a list of programs for LORD.
score - Displays the score.
color - Replaces the LORD color codes with ANSI escape codes for the news.
lordcfg - Runs LORDCFG instead of LORD. This is a very slightly modified copy of the lord script. Type exitemu to exit.
statusoff - Removes the status line from all nodes.
statuson - Adds the status line to all nodes.
lordtest - Runs LORD but uses a different directory.
lordtestcfg - Runs LORDCFG but uses a different directory.
createshortdrop - Creates a 5 line DOOR.SYS file. This is not needed. I wrote it because I could.